Worship Services

“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.”

Psalm 92:1-2

Every Sunday

11 AM

Come and fellowship with us as we meet with the Living God. We love to gather unto our Saviour Jesus. We come together every Sunday to hear Him speak to us, to praise Him and to spend time together as a church.

5:30 PM

We gather again in the evening for what we call our ‘gospel meeting’. Our earnest desire and prayer is for non-christians to attend and be pointed to Jesus so clearly. 

What happens when we meet?

Full room of GBC members seated

At both services you can expect tea, coffee and a warm welcome.

Our hearts are pointed to Jesus in diverse ways. 

We heartily sing songs full of truth from the Bible and which proclaim Jesus’ sacrifice and love for us. 

We embrace one another in love and unity. 

We are encouraged by each other’s sharing and testimonies. 

We delight in listening to God’s word being read. 

We hear God speak through His living Word, from our Pastors and Elders. 

We take the bread and the cup in communion to remind ourselves of Christ’s body broken and his blood shed to save us. 


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